Fashion,  Fashion & Style tips

12 Posing tips for Fashion Bloggers

Maybe you are new to the sewing world and have just started photographing your makes but feel awkward in front of the camera. Or maybe you’ve been in the fashion game for some time and are looking for some posing ideas to up your game. You do not even need to be in the blogging world to want to learn some tips on finding your own style. So whichever the case may be, if you want to explore what you can do with your body and hands when posing in front of the camera, then keep on reading!

For me, posing has always come naturally since the young age. I’ve always loved striking a pose and giving a glimpse of my personality through my photos. However, I’ve learned more about my angles and which poses I’m most comfortable with ever since photoshooting my sewing projects and reviewing innumerous photos of mine.

So here I have compiled a list of my 12 favourite poses that I do consciously (e.g., correct posture) or subconsciously (e.g., touching my hair!) in addition to some tips and ideas that I hope you will find helpful:

1. First & foremost, always be aware of your posture. I always push my shoulders down, chest up and brace my cores (as you would when doing planks).

Now lets cover what to do with hands!

2. Bring a prop when posing. It could be anything you like to hold, such as a purse, coffee, sunglasses, flowers, your baby, your cat, you name it. For me, it’s been mainly purses but I’d love to hold some flowers one day too, like I did back in late 90s when my dad took that photo of me in our backyard (…aside from my hair, not much has changed, has it)!

3. Simply touch your hair. I do this a a lot without even thinking about it. I love how it can also give volume to your hair (not that I need much of that thankfully). Definitely my top favourite.

4. Place one or both hands on the hip/waist. I default to this pose a lot and I like the sassy vibes it gives. Generally speaking, straight arms and legs could look stiff and unflattering. Plus, have you heard of the expression “if it bends, bend it?” 😉

5. Cross your arms or strike a thinking pose! Simple and elegant. Some might argue that crossing your arms is a closed off body language but I disagree simply because I like posing that way. The image on right is actually my Instagram profile pic since I’m always thinking about what to sew next! #storyofmylife

6. Pockets are also great to hang on to! But that’ll only help you if your garment is cool enough to have them 😉

And onto legs and body poses in general! (also pay attention to my hand poses from what we just discussed above)

7. Simply shift your weight to one leg. This might be the simplest and most natural looking leg pose. I was no blogger at the time below but you can see that this pose gives some shape to the body while looking effortless.

8. Lean on a fence, stair case etc. I find the stairs to be a wonderful place to pose because you will have so many options for your legs going up or down and you can place one hand or both on the railing. Now turn your body towards the camera and you’re done!

9. One leg in front of the other. You can either place your legs in one straight line (left image below) or shoulder-wide (middle image) or even crossed (last image). It’s simple yet interesting. Any of these is definitely my go-to pose when it comes to legs.

10. Sit and chill. I think sitting is such an overlooked pose. You can sit in different poses depending on what you are wearing and more importantly show off those pumps!

11. Side angle with one foot in front of the other. I’ve only recently discovered this angle through documenting my sewing projects. I find this pose so flattering especially on curvy gals and I love how putting one leg out elongates your body. Plus, it’s perfect to show off your heels from the side (it’s always about the shoes, isn’t it!)! Additionally, if you want to take this to another level, you can (fake) walk across the camera in this exact same angle (kinda in the last image but looks like I almost stopped)!

12. Last but certainly not least, have fun! Ever noticed some of your most beautiful shots were the ones you were caught unaware? It’s because you are already awesome by just being yourself. So dance around if you want to and have fun. Let your personality shine through the photos and be unapologetic about it.


To summarize, remember these are just ideas for you to try and explore what feels right for you. And it has to feel right for you to look natural in your photos. You will soon find your own style through practice in front of a mirror or taking lots of photos and reviewing which angles/poses you like better or don’t like at all. In fact, over time you will know in advance what kind of poses would go best with the design of the garment that you will be wearing. Finding originality is also key in looking your best in the photos. So while it may take some time and effort to be camera-confidant when you are just starting out, I believe that tips and ideas along the way can accelerate that process.

I hope these tips were helpful for you and that you enjoyed reading this post.

I’d love to hear how you feel about shooting in front of a camera. Do you feel ecstatic when it’s time to photograph your outfit? Is it the best part or least favourite part of being a blogger for you? Or are you somewhere in between and looking to up your game?

Thank you for following along if you’ve made it this far! Let me know if you like to see more of these Fashion and Lifestyle posts from me!

Cheers darlings,



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